Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Tell Your Senators What You Think About Health Care Reform!

Dear Catherine,
The U. S. House of Representatives is quickly advancing the American Health Care Act and the next step in the legislative process is for the Senate to consider the bill. The Cancer Support Community is partnering with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) and other cancer organizations to help you call your Senators TODAY and communicate your concerns regarding the bill.

The American Health Care Act includes provisions to eliminate the mandate that all individuals have health insurance coverage, eventually repeal the Medicaid expansion, and eliminate subsidies that currently help people to afford insurance coverage and pay out-of-pocket costs. These provisions could be replaced with health savings accounts, state innovation grants, and refundable tax credits.

CSC is concerned about the burden some of these proposed changes could place on individuals living with cancer and people who have historically been underserved by the health care system. We do not want to see costs shifted to consumers, particularly among cancer patients who often need expensive treatments and services. We do not want health care access to become limited because programs like Medicaid become more restrictive. We are concerned that optional health savings accounts will exclude individuals who cannot afford to contribute funds to them to cover the cost of health care. 

We encourage you to contact your Senators today asking them to protect the patient-centered provisions of the ACA. Simply call 888-NOW-I-CAN and an operator will help to connect you with your Senators' offices.

You can also learn more about the proposed provisions by clicking here and read CSC's Health Care Principles for Individuals Impacted by Cancer byclicking here.

Below you will find a draft call-in script, if you'd like guidance as you speak to your Senator's office. Feel free to use this script or speak about your experience and concerns regarding the American Health Care Act.

Elizabeth Franklin & Kristen Cox Santiago
Senior Directors, Policy & Advocacy
Cancer Support Community

As a person impacted by cancer, I am contacting the Senator today to strongly urge them to remember the needs of millions of cancer patients nationwide as they consider plans to replace the Affordable Care Act. The patient-centered provisions of the ACA have been critical to individuals living with cancer and other chronic illnesses.  

I know that Congress is moving quickly to pass the American Health Care Act but our health care replacement must focus on patient protections.

We deserve access to comprehensive, high-quality, timely health care services. This includes preventive services, the full range of essential health benefits, and mental and behavioral health care services. Further, young adults should be able to stay on their parent's insurance until the age of 26. We should also have access to clinical trials without it impacting our ability to obtain or keep health insurance coverage.

We must be able to afford health insurance coverage and prescription medications. Cancer patients should not be discriminated against through higher premiums or exorbitant out-of-pocket costs. Subsidies and the expansion of Medicaid are critical to ensure that millions of patients can access the coverage they need.

We deserve equitable care without limits based on pre-existing conditions or lifetime caps on care. Insurance companies should not be able to rescind coverage (except in cases of fraud) or drastically raise premiums without justification. Further, no patient should be discriminated against based on health status, gender, ability level, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic.

Thank you for considering these priorities as you consider proposals to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The provisions outlined above are critical to the ability of over 15.5 million cancer patients and survivors to access live saving health care services.

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