Wednesday, July 31, 2019

This Week at the New Orleans Museum of Art ("NOMA")

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Focus On Sleep

Are you putting aside enough time for sleep?

In this week’s focus of How’s Your 5? We would like to know: What’s your sleep routine? According to a recent article from, “Staying up later with expanded daylight means less time to unwind and prepare for rest, relaxation and ultimately good sound sleep.” This can seriously impact your health. Therefore, getting a good night's sleep can help your body better regulate blood sugar levels, keep your immune system functioning properly, and even improve your heart health by decreasing stress. A few tips for getting healthy sleep are: 
  • Sleep in a dark place
  • No caffeine 6-8 hours before bedtime
  • Alcohol before bed causes restless sleep, expands blood vessels in your nose, and makes it hard to breathe. Keep drinking to a minimum.
  • If you tend to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, make sure your night light is red or orange, not white or blue.
Would you like to know more about sleep patterns and how to improve sleep?
Read the Full Article