Saturday, September 2, 2017

30 Days Savings Challenge from American Saves

We know that a serious illness can easily wreck havoc with family finances. Therefore , we periodically like to highlight  programs and resources that may halp families financially get back on track 

Challenge starts today - it's not too late to sign up!
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It's not too late to join America Saves, as we support and participate in the Military Families Learning Network's Personal Finance team  30 Days of Savings Challenge. Throughout the challenge we will be encouraging savers to make small deposits that will add up to $100 in just 30 days!

Sign up today and encourage clients and students to join you. By modeling your behavior, your clients and students will develop new positive saving strategies.

When you sign up you'll receive the daily savings chart and weekly newsletters with savings messages, savings resources, and reminders for upcoming Challenge events scheduled for September.
You can elect to register for the Challenge as either a Participant or an Educator, or both. During September, registered Educators will receive weekly emailed newsletters that support their efforts to work with clients and students who are learning new ways to maximize their savings.

Military Families Learning Network will be hosting weekly check-ins on Facebook Live that will offer encouragement, an opportunity to share your success stories, and tips for making the savings goals a breeze! Join the conversations we're having about the Challenge and connect with participating colleagues on Facebook and Twitter.

So sign up, and encourage colleagues, friends and family to join you and start saving today!
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