Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Seed-- New Post on New Focus Daily

The WSA met Tina Adams back in 2013 when her hubby, Chris, emailed Founder, Karen Shayne. He wanted to surprise his wife with a trip to the first SURVIVORville in Nashville. An ovarian cancer survivor and mother of two young girls, Tina had started Walk for Women, an organization to assist with the financial needs of those dealing with ovarian cancer. The surprise went off without a hitch and Tina spent the weekend of SURVIVORville 2013 networking and conversing with other women from around the country.
Tina stayed in touch with the WSA, so when this survivor took a survivor step of faith with her family recently, all of us were in to follow the journey – literally.
We came up with this crazy idea to sell our house, everything in it, buy an RV, and tour our great country!’ stated Tina. “We plan to visit all 50 states over a two-year period while my hubby, Chris works and I home school our two daughters 9 and almost 11. 
It all started  May 2017, while sitting at their kitchen table in the busy suburbs of Atlanta. Chris half heartedly suggested they move out to the middle of nowhere, like Wyoming.  Tina wasn’t all about Wyoming, but sat and thought about what it would look like to have their world turned upside down and came back with “Why don’t we just move into an RV and travel the country?” And so the seed was planted that day.  No doubt this was quite the change for this active family of four living in a golf, swim & tennis community.  The Adams had never even been inside an RV before!  After a couple months of research, they took the plunge.  Their house went on the market, sold in record time, the downsizing began as the RV was purchased.
Of course, only Tina could pull this off. And they have! This past week their journey of the past 90 days finally took flight.
Join New Focus Daily as we travel with Tina, Chris, Abby and Mackenzie over the next few years on their great Adams American Adventure. While we will be featuring many of Tina’s stories, her full blog is below.  Get to know this family.  They’re a little kooky.  Yep, their the Adams family.

New Focus Daily (Formerly NOU Magazine) is a women’s lifestyle magazine, which provides go-to guide for strategies about health and wellness, cancer survivorship, money, career, relationships, inspiration and more.

New Focus Daily is published in partnership with New Focus Network and serves as a Ribbon of Support of the Women Survivors Alliance.

NOU magazine was created in 2012 and officially launched at 2013 SURVIVORville. It began under the name “The Plum” with six published articles each month. In January 2015, the magazine officially changed its name to NOU and substantial growth began.

In January 2016, NOU Magazine was redesigned and Cindy Chafin became Editor-In-Chief. By November, the magazine officially hit the one million mark in readership over the past four years.

In July 2017, a partnership was announced with the media group, New Focus Network (NFN). NFN became the underwriter of the online magazine, and the name was changed to New Focus Daily to allow shared content between the two entities to support womens’ empowerment.

New Focus Daily now delivers updated articles to a base of 15,000 readers 3-4 times weekly. Newsletters are delivered to 14,000 weekly and delivers 1.4M impressions per year. In partnership with New Focus Daily Downloads, NFD also delivers to over 28K viewers per week via social media. In July 2017, New Focus Daily Magazine published its first hard copy edition.

In partnership with New Focus Network, the content of New Focus Daily can expand into the television viewing market for health, wellness and lifestyle.

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