Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mid-Week Mindfullness on November 1at at Longue Vue

Image may contain: plant, text, nature and outdoor

In the middle of the work week, gather in the garden at Longue Vue to decompress, de-stress, and come back to center. Dr. Jess Tregle will lead a guided meditation session designed to help you greet the rest of the week with grace. Out of respect for the calming atmosphere we are attempting to create, please arrive a few minutes early.

$10 Suggested Donation. Guests are encouraged to bring their own mat. 

Can't make it this month? Mid-Week Mindfulness happens on the first Wednesday of every month from 6 - 7 pm, rain or shine! Rain location: Playhouse. 

For more information, contact Matt Reyna at (504) 293-4721 or mreyna@longuevue.com

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