How often do you pause for reflection?
BY Dana Stewart
PUBLISHED December 21, 2017
Dana Stewart was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 at the age of 32. She is the co-founder of a cancer survivorship organization called The Dragonfly Angel Society. She volunteers as an advocate and mentor, focusing on young adults surviving cancer. She enjoys writing about life as a cancer survivor, as well as connecting survivors to the resources, inspirations and stories that have helped her continue to live her best life, available at
Pause for reflection. Three simple words but how often do you think about them? I’ll be honest – almost never for me. I rarely pause for reflection. I rarely pause for anything now that I think about it. I feel like I am always in this go-go world where if I stop for one minute I might just miss something. Anyone else feel this way? It’s hard not to. There is always the next post on social media, the next best technology or just the next best thing. Who has time to pause for reflection?
I was completely thrown off when these three words made it into a presentation in which I was listening to. I was in attendance at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium listening to a doctor walk us through her latest findings from her recent research. She presented to us in the audience via several slides with lots of numbers, graphs, facts and figures. The research was quite interesting and it’s always amazing to see all the work being done in the cancer realm. It is, however, a lot to take in and can get overwhelming, especially for those of us who don’t have a medical background. Most of the doctors at the symposium present their finds in a very straightforward manner. This time around this doctor added a twist. After she went through all the details of her research, she threw a slide up on the screen so all 5,000 of us could see it plain as day and it stated – PAUSE FOR REFLECTION. That was it. My mind was blown. Where was this coming from? She had tons of medical research and only 15 minutes to share it all. Yet she threw those three words on a slide.
I was completely thrown off when these three words made it into a presentation in which I was listening to. I was in attendance at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium listening to a doctor walk us through her latest findings from her recent research. She presented to us in the audience via several slides with lots of numbers, graphs, facts and figures. The research was quite interesting and it’s always amazing to see all the work being done in the cancer realm. It is, however, a lot to take in and can get overwhelming, especially for those of us who don’t have a medical background. Most of the doctors at the symposium present their finds in a very straightforward manner. This time around this doctor added a twist. After she went through all the details of her research, she threw a slide up on the screen so all 5,000 of us could see it plain as day and it stated – PAUSE FOR REFLECTION. That was it. My mind was blown. Where was this coming from? She had tons of medical research and only 15 minutes to share it all. Yet she threw those three words on a slide.
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