Many women who have more advanced cases end up getting breast alterations, and this can also have several psychological consequences as well. Losing the womanly figure and the fear of recurrence are among the many worries that feed the anxieties felt by millions of breast cancer patients around the globe.
How can breast cancer patients deal with the emotional stress of treatment and recovery?
Medical care often does a wonderful job of staying up to date with the latest chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapies available to fight off malignant cells. However, sometimes we don't pay as much attention to the whole patient, such as their psychological well-being, family support, and mental health. It's extremely important for patients and clinicians alike to address this, as depression and anxiety are extremely common in patients suffering from breast cancer. Especially if there is advanced disease with poor prognosis, there needs to be psychological ramifications addressed to help improve quality and life and provide better-coping skills for such a stressful time.
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