Sunday, April 15, 2018

Not Having a Ball on Spring Break

Finding a lump on my remaining testicle sent me into a tailspin on while vacation.

PUBLISHED April 12, 2018

Justin Birckbichler is a fourth grade teacher, testicular cancer survivor and the founder of From being diagnosed in November 2016 at the age of 25, to finishing chemo in January 2017, to being cleared in remission in March, he has been passionate about sharing his story to spread awareness and promote open conversation about men's health. Connect with him on Instagram @aballsysenseoftumor, on Twitter @absotTC, on Facebook or via email
Mow the lawn - Check.
Do some writing - Check.
Finish that David Baldacci novel I've been working on - Check.

I was on spring break from work, but midway through I experienced what I thought was sure to be a crisis.

On Wednesday, April 19, 2017, approximately six weeks after being told I was in remission, my worst fear came true. I felt what seemed to be a lump on my remaining right testicle while in the bathroom. (I found it ironic that my first lump was found in the shower and now this one was discovered while using the toilet. I need to avoid bathrooms, I suppose.)
Cue full-blown panic mode. As a testicular cancer survivor, cancer is never far from my mind, but at that point, I had been feeling more or less normal.

Optimistically, I had thought the worst was behind me, but at that moment, it didn't appear so...... (Read More.....)

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