Monday, May 28, 2018

CCFM Market Morsels - May 28, 2018

Fresh & Local:

Mind Your P’s and Blube’s

To date we’ve seen a few peaches, but peach season begins in earnest this week, so long as the tropical weather this past weekend was not too disruptive. And blueberries, also ripe in small quantities up until now are finally ready in the areas where they grow profusely. Both J&D Blueberry Farm and Blue Tara hail from Poplarville, MS but this past weekend, we introduced a new vendor to the CCFM network, Descant Ranch from Franklinton, LA coming on to the Rivertown market on Saturdays.
While peaches and blubes are rolling in, pair them with strawberries at the tail end of their season for a fresh fruit trifecta. An extra special bonus of buying fruit locally… fruit is picked when ripe or nearly ripe so all of the nutrients and flavors have had time to fully develop on the plant. Conventional fruit is picked when it’s still green and hard so it can ship across the country and the world (not to mention varieties grown are selected for traits like this and not flavor), resulting in that common grocery store phenomenon where it looks like fruit but tastes crunchy, sour or bland. Know your grower and you’ll know you’re getting the best peach or blueberry you can get!
fresh and local image
pick of the week

Picks of the Week:

Eat Local Challenge

The goal of the New Orleans Eat Local Challenge is to go 30 days in June eating only foods grown, caught, or raised within a 200 mile radius of New Orleans to raise awareness of the nutritional, economical, environmental and cultural benefits of eating locally sourced foods. Registration is free and the 30 day challenge officially begins May 31st at midnight. Sign up and commit yourself to a healthy and fully local invested diet, follow the events around town. We’ll be hosting demos every Saturday including a baby food making demo, shopping local on a budget demo, and more. Other activities and events are scheduled for our markets throughout the month. Join us at the kick off party at Roux Carre 2000 O.C. Haley Blvd. on Friday, June 1st from 6-8 pm.


We have sweet corn popping up all over market! This summertime favorite is great grilled, boiled and buttered, and creamed off the cob. Corn has a short season here, so be sure to get your fill while you can. Varieties such as silver queen or peaches and cream are particularly sweet and tender, and all are high in fiber, vitamins A & B, and minerals. Look for corn at our Uptown, French Market, Mid-City, and CBD markets, perfect paired with some pork on the grill, or as a side item to a crawfish boil!
pick of the week
vendor of the week

Vendor of the Week:

J&D Blueberry Farm

J&D Blueberry Farm is a long-time CCFM vendor, and also the parent of Pearl River Tea Company, innovating U.S. tea production. Jeff and Don (the J&D) bring to the market not only fresh and frozen blueberries in season, but preserves and pickles as well as a whole nursery of bedding plants, herbs and succulents. Grab a pint of blueberries or a 5 lb. family size box (which still goes surprisingly quickly), or a 3 lb. bag of frozen blueberries, perfect for smoothies or snacking on as is.
And for those of you gearing up for the Eat Local Challenge, stick to your ultra strict ambitions without sacrificing your daily caffeine jolt. Find their full selection of teas at Saturday CBD and now Tuesday Uptown market as well with the blueberry season kicking into full swing.

Tuesday’s Green Plate Special:

La Monita

Delicious Colombian-inspired food made from locally sourced ingredients, La Monita (Colombian slang for blond girl) returns to the market for another stint as the Green Plate Special on Tuesdays. Inspired by her travels through South and Central America, Tracey Armitage is preparing for us this month incredible arepas, tropical salads, and a Colombian goodness bowl amongst a weekly changing cast of other dishes. Come grab plantains for breakfast or a fish stew for lunch. It’s all delicious!
Green Plate Special Vendor
recipe of the week

Recipe of the Week:

Blueberry Agua Fresca

Cool things down with this refreshing blueberry agua fresca from FOOD52. Pick up some blueberries from your favorite market, a bunch of mint, and some sparkling water for a fresh snap! We will be drinking this all summer!
What’s your favorite dish to make after visiting the Crescent City Farmers Market? Share your recipes with us on Instagram or Facebook or even Twitter and it might be featured in our weekly newsletter!
Crescent City Farmers Market
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Vendor of the Week
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