Saturday, October 13, 2018

Scanxiety, Fear of Recurrence: Whatever You Call It, It's Real

Scanxiety, fear of recurrence, whatever you choose to call it, it is real. A sleepless night or hard time here and there doesn't mean you aren't dealing with it well, it means you are human.

PUBLISHED October 09, 2018

Doris Cardwell received a life-changing diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer in 2007. While undergoing treatment, she co-founded a mentor program for the cancer center treating her. She also created community events to educate, encourage and empower people regarding cancer. Doris was the first Survivorship Community Outreach Liaison for her local cancer center. She is an advocate, educator and encourager on issues facing cancer survivors. Doris is a wife, mother, empty nester, survivor of life and lover of all things coffee. An avid speaker and blogger, she is available at
It has been eleven years since the words "oncology visit" entered my world. Since then, it has evoked a wide array of emotions. Fear, joy, happiness, sadness, hope, love, care, anxiety, just to name a few. There is something that happens when you realize you have cancer. It leaves an indelible mark deep in your soul. It changes you.

Once you have had it, cancer never completely leaves your life. I may go weeks or months without thinking about it. But at least once or twice a year, it stumbles its way to the forefront of my mind. Sometimes, it seems like another lifetime, right now, though, cancer stares me in the face.

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