Thursday, October 18, 2018

Why Fear What You Can't Control?

We spend so much time worrying what we can't control. What if we asked ourselves why and changed the thought process to worrying about only what we can control.

PUBLISHED October 18, 2018

Dana Stewart was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 at the age of 32. She is the co-founder of a cancer survivorship organization called The Dragonfly Angel Society. She volunteers as an advocate and mentor, focusing on young adults surviving cancer. She enjoys writing about life as a cancer survivor, as well as connecting survivors to the resources, inspirations and stories that have helped her continue to live her best life, available at
I love to brag about stuff I am good at. What I am great at in the cancer world is fearing everything. I would win the gold medal in the worrying-about-cancer-category. I have an ache? First thought is it is cancer. If I get up too fast and get dizzy? I assume it is cancer. I hear a story about someone else's cancer and automatically assume it will happen to me. It's an exhausting way to live, and let's face it, not a healthy way, either. I've already planned out how I will react, what I will say and how I will tell others that I have cancer again. Mind you, I have yet to be diagnosed with cancer round two. But it has been a constant topic I think about and more relevant – everything I fear.

I wish I could say I have an easy fix to cure the cancer-fearing blues, but I don't. I've put a lot of time and effort into learning tools and techniques to help one cope with these fears. I don't think there is a cure, but I think there are skills that can be learned to help suppress the massive fears a cancer diagnosis brings. The tools are endless, and you are bound to find something in that mix that will work for you. There is writing/journaling, breathing techniques, mindfulness practices, and talking to a professional to name a few. I have done all and must say have kept using all the above as my anti-fear tactics. They work! But what else is there? 

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