Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Sometimes Just Living Life is Enough

While I am and will always be a survivor, there are times in life that it should, and will take a back seat.

PUBLISHED November 06, 2018

Doris Cardwell received a life-changing diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer in 2007. While undergoing treatment, she co-founded a mentor program for the cancer center treating her. She also created community events to educate, encourage and empower people regarding cancer. Doris was the first Survivorship Community Outreach Liaison for her local cancer center. She is an advocate, educator and encourager on issues facing cancer survivors. Doris is a wife, mother, empty nester, survivor of life and lover of all things coffee. An avid speaker and blogger, she is available at www.justdoris.com.
This October was different for me. Usually I am vocal during breast cancer awareness month. I educate, I inform, I advocate. This year, I fell strangely silent. I felt glad when the month came to a close, relieved actually. It felt odd, bizarre even, to not be part of the "pink parade". For some reason, this October, I just didn't have it in me. I couldn't, I wouldn't, I didn't want to. No pinking of the hair, no t-shirts, no community events, nothing. It just wasn't there.

Where did it go? Have I lost something, did I change, does that mean I'm over it? Have I, like so many people think survivors should, "just moved on"?

To answer these questions I spent some time in reflection. I was reminded that this year brought many changes. I got a new job, our oldest daughter got married in September and my cancer checkup got moved to the end of October.

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