Friday, April 5, 2019

ADVOCACY ALERT: ACS Day at the Louisiana Capitol

American Cancer Society | Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

ac can

Have you heard about ACS CAN (Cancer Action Network)? ACS CAN is the sister organization of the American Cancer Society, and their mission is to demand change from elected officials in Congress and the statehouse with the goal of ending suffering and death from cancer. The organization’s movement is led by volunteers who rally together to push for improvements in issues like cancer funding and access to cancer care. 

This year, ACS CAN is inviting you to join them for their annual ACS CAN Louisiana Day at the Capitol event on Thursday, May 9th. You will have the opportunity to meet up with other ACS CAN volunteers from around Louisiana at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge, where you can discuss issues with our legislators and ask lawmakers to make cancer a top priority. The event also features an in-depth look at ACS CAN’s advocacy agenda for the year, a training on how to speak to lawmakers, and free lunch. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required by May 3rd! 

You can register for ACS CAN Louisiana Day at the Capitol at
Contact Alice Williams, the Louisiana Grassroots Manager for ACS CAN, at (251) 295-8974 or with any questions about the event.

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