Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Healing Power of Gratitude for Cancer Survivors

hand writing Thank You on noteAll of us have expressed a heartfelt “thank you” for receiving a gift, support, or a second chance. This acknowledgement of goodness is known as gratitude.

Did you know that gratitude has healing benefits that can improve your mental and physical health? Research has shown that practicing gratitude can boost your resilience to stress, promote well-being, and reduce depression. In addition, gratitude interventions have been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and improve immunity.

For cancer survivors, practicing gratitude can play a key role in developing healthy ways to cope in times of stress. For example, a recent study of breast cancer survivors who took part in a gratitude program for six weeks noticed that they no longer worried constantly about their cancer returning.

Read More: The Healing Power of Gratitude for Cancer Survivors:

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