Volunteer for our public health and safety exercise Flu Shots at the Zoo: Testing the City's Large-Scale Vaccine Administration Plan. The New Orleans Medical Reserve Corps and the NOLA Ready Volunteer Corps are recruiting volunteers to assist in this and future vaccine administration events. Volunteers will be assigned various medical and non-medical duties: Medical providers are needed to give flu shots. Non-medical volunteers are needed to support vaccination site operations, including patient registration, measuring throughput and flow, supply restocking, and logistics support.
All staff and volunteers will receive a temperature check and a KN-95 mask when they arrive. If you would like to volunteer at the drive-thru flu shot event, follow these steps: Register for the pre-event training, which will take place online on Oct. 22 at 6 pm. (If you're not yet a volunteer with us, create a profile here.) Register for your desired volunteer shift for the drive-thru flu shot event, which will take place on Monday, Oct. 26 throughout the day. Two shift options are available: Shift One runs from 12pm-4pm and Shift Two runs from 3pm-7pm.
The City thanks you in advance for your support, and we look forward to the exercise.  We've had a busy hurricane season so far, with six storms pointed at the New Orleans area. We are lucky to have dodged yet another storm this year, but are thinking of our neighbors in SWLA who were hit hard by Delta just weeks after Laura passed through. The City of New Orleans continues to host thousands of evacuees from the SWLA area: - If you have extra funds, we've put together a list of organizations that could use monetary donations for their response efforts.
- Interested in donating supplies? HandsOn New Orleans has information about types of donations needed and list of donation drop off locations on this page.
- HandsOn New Orleans continues to manage the Resource Center and is taking volunteer sign ups here.
A quick reminder that we continue to remain in an extremely active hurricane season through the end of November.   Phase 3.2 goes into effect on Saturday at 6am. Click here to read about all the changes being made. Already read through the changes, and have more questions related to Phase 3.2 and how decisions are made? Check out our FAQs section on the website.  Public health guidelines will continue to apply including mask usage, social distancing, and limits on gathering sizes. Trick-or-treating tips: Some neighborhood groups are considering alternate methods of handing out treats, or activities in general, such as replacing trick-or-treating with a scavenger hunt. Remember, celebrate Halloween safely, and we'll get through this together. |
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