Monday, August 21, 2017

Latest News from the Cancer Dietitian

5 Things to Know About Nutrition and Cancer

By Julie Lanford MPH, RD, CSO, LDN 
Sometimes I forget that my readers haven’t all been with me since the beginning, and therefore haven’t read all 348 of my articles over the last 9+ years. Maybe a few of you have been with me the whole time! 🙂
For those who haven’t been with me and heard me rant and ramble about a variety of different topics, I thought I’d do a bit of a summary of what I think are the most important things to know about nutrition and cancer. These are things that are good reminders for newly diagnosed clients, people months or years beyond their diagnosis, and anyone interested in reducing risk. So that pretty  much covers everyone right?!? : – )
I’ve narrowed it down to 5 things and if you know me very well… that’s a miracle, ha!

Here are the 5 Things You Need to Know About Nutrition and Cancer

  1. No one food or food substance can prevent or cure cancer.
    Those “miracles foods”?? No such thing! However…
  2. combination of foods consumed in a mostly plant-based dietplays an important role in maintaining healthy cells and supporting immunity.
    So yes… what you eat matters! To the tune of 30-40% reduction in risk when combined with being physically active. We recommend the same “plant based diet” for reducing risk of an initial cancer diagnosis as well as reducing risk of cancer returning. CLICK TO READ ABOUT WHAT YOU SHOULD EAT.
  3. Your body prefers to get nutrients from food, not pills.
    Don’t waste your money on pills, extracts and powdered nutrients. Focus on nutrients in actual food form unless you physically cannot eat food or you have some sort of deficiency requiring supplementation. 
  4. Eating is an opportunity to promote your health. Aim to give your body the tools it needs each day.
    Get a variety of foods and be sure to consume 4-5 cups a day of fruits and vegetables combined. 
  5. You don’t have to be perfect! Eating should nourish your soul as well. Use the 80/20 rule.
    As Americans, we can have an “all or nothing” mentality. This is a detrimental way to view your eating. The purpose of having good health is to be able to ENJOY LIFE! Don’t choose a way of eating that reduces your quality of life, or prevents you from eating out or enjoying your favorite foods. Find a way to get balance and have those “sometimes foods.” If you’re eating to nourish your body 80% of the time, and choosing foods to nourish your soul 20% of the time, I think you’re doing great! 
For more on truths, check out my webinar on Cancer Nutrition Truths: What the Data Shows

Cancer Nutrition Myths

I have found that a LOT of what I do with clients is actually debunk some of the myths they have been told about cancer. Here are some of the TOP myths that I hear. Click the link to read my reasons why they are a myth! And if you want to hear more explanations on these, and other myths, watch my webinar on Debunking Cancer Nutrition Myths!
  • MYTH: Sugar “Feeds” Cancer.FACT: All our cells, cancerous or not, use glucose for energy. Our body doesn’t pick and choose which cells get what fuel.
  • MYTH: Organic Foods are Healthier Than Conventional FoodsFACT: No studies have shown that people who consume organic foods have better health outcomes.
  • MYTH: GMOs Cause Cancer
    FACT: Current data doesn’t confirm that GMOs increase cancer risks. Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains outweighs any GMO health concerns when it comes to cancer risks.
  • MYTHAcidic diets cause cancer.
    There’s no good evidence to prove that diet can manipulate whole body pH, or that it has an impact on cancer.
  • MYTHRaw foods are more nutritious than cooked foods.
    Some nutrients are deactivated during the cooking process but some are activated. Consuming food items cooked and raw are both nutritious ways to eat.
I hope this is a helpful starting point for some of you. Email me your questions so that I have ideas on what to write on next!
–  Julie

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+1 is brought to you by Cancer Services, Inc., a community-based non-profit organization in Winston-Salem, NC with a mission to "enhance the quality of life for those living with cancer and to provide the gift of life through education.”
Julie Lanford MPH, RD, CSO, LDN, is the Wellness Director for Cancer Services. She is a registered dietitian, licensed nutritionist and a board certified specialist in oncology nutrition.

Her passion is wellness for cancer prevention and survivorship, and she specializes in making healthy living fun! 
Copyright © 2017 Cancer Services, Inc., All rights reserved.
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