Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I Have Plans....

Setting goals and recognizing milestones matters in a life with cancer.

PUBLISHED August 26, 2019

Martha lives in Illinois and was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in January 2015. She has a husband and three children, ranging in age from 12 to 18, a dog and a lizard.
Cancer is better for me when I find the moments of meaning and presence, but it simultaneously demands continuing with what can be two of life's most stressful attributes: setting goals and achieving milestones.

I remember, straight out of college long ago, being chided by one of my best friends that though I wanted something for my career, I'd actually not put in the work for that particular job. Thirty years later, I still keep that truth in mind when thinking about my life and those of the people I love.

The dual focus of setting goals and achieving milestones has been on my mind lately with the new school year. All three of my children (and my husband) remind me through their actions that what I do today matters. Each of them is moving toward a future they can envision and almost grasp. It is gratifying as a parent and wife to see this this happening, but it also forces me to think about what I see in my own life and ask myself what I want to achieve.

As a friend of mine recently said, "I have plans, people!". So do I, and I hope you do too. 

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