Sunday, October 20, 2019

Pink Is Not the Only Color that Matters

"All cancers deserve the attention that breast cancer gets in October. To my brothers and sisters with 'non-pink' cancer and other diseases: it does not mean we don't care."

PUBLISHED October 17, 2019

I had a rare form of breast cancer. When all things pink landed in my lap upon diagnosis, I felt uncomfortable. For many reasons, the least of which being I didn't like pink.

I was uncomfortable because for all the information given, very little of it applied to me. It didn't apply because my type of breast cancer was rare. I didn't want cancer to become who I was; I am a person and cancer is a disease. I was more than a disease, I was a wife, a mother, an active community member.

Fast forward to twelve years later. I feel better about pink: it raises money to meet needs and fund research. But, there is this other thought that troubles me. All cancers deserve the attention that breast cancer gets in October.

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