Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Emotional Side of Pinktober

Breast Cancer Awareness month occurs every October. Commonly known as Pinktober, it affects survivors of breast cancer in different ways. In this post, one survivor shares her perspective.

PUBLISHED October 15, 2019

Bonnie Annis is a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed in 2014 with stage 2b invasive ductal carcinoma with metastasis to the lymph nodes. She is an avid photographer, freelance writer/blogger, wife, mother and grandmother.
It’s that time of year again, when seasons change. Sweltering summers bow to the entrance of cooler days and nights as fall slides in and graces us with her presence. As September comes to a close and October readies just behind, other changes loom on the horizon. Many of those affected by breast cancer know what’s coming and brace for the sudden onslaught of pink ribbons, pink products, and the infamous breast cancer awareness event commonly known as Pinktober.

Annually, October has been designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This campaign was founded in 1985 by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, manufacturer of antihormonal drugs such as Tamoxifen and Arimidex. It was started to increase awareness of breast cancer and has more commonly become known as Pinktober. Pinktober has become a popular time for marketers to take advantage of the commercialism accompanying the event. As these profiteers jump aboard the gravy train, they often emblazon products with the familiar pink ribbon made popular by the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Before being diagnosed with breast cancer, October was a month I celebrated. It was a time for fall festivals, pumpkins, cider, and all things related to joy. After diagnosis, my Octobers disappeared. They were swallowed up in the phenomenon known as Pinktober. Though I didn’t have much say in the matter, friends, family, and even strangers assumed I looked forward to being lumped into the category of those celebrating breast cancer awareness month, but that wasn’t the case. I found the onslaught of pink overwhelming and sometimes, even offensive, but I assumed, since I was a survivor, I needed to participate. So I did.

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